If you don’t have access or prefer not to use the form, you can send a text message to 07500 326 306 out of hours.

Please include the site name, registration, make and model in your text.

Note, this number does not accept incoming voice calls.

Please only use this form to report unauthorised parking. For all other enquiries, please click here


Report vehicle(s) to enforcement team

  • Response time: Up to 24 hours

If you would like to notify us of an unauthorised vehicle(s) on your property, simply fill in all the required fields and submit the information.

Please upload an image of the vehicle with the licence plate clearly visible to assist our enforcement team.

image of a black car in a car park

Vehicle Details

Vehicle Location

Image Upload Area

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload an image of the vehicle with the licence plate clearly visible. This will help our enforcement team locate the vehicle.